IceoMatrix Ice Wand
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About IceoMatrix
Learn About the Ice Wand
Customer Testimonials
    - Atlanta Bread Co.
    - Best Western
    - Corner Bakery Cafe
    - McDonalds
    - Subway
Order the Ice Wand
Contact Us
Phone: (770) 913-8654

3836 Newland Ct.
Round Rock, TX 78681

Destiny Foods, Inc.
November 12, 2003

I received an Ice Wand at the end of August 2002 to test in one of my ice machines in Georgetown, Texas. I have a maintenance contract that cleans and services my ice machines on a quarterly basis. Even with the quarterly service and cleaning, I needed to manually clean the ice machine between each service, about every 6 weeks. After the quarterly service in August, I placed the Ice Wand in the sump and checked it after a month. The Ice Wand was working as promised. I checked it again after two months and it was continuing to control the slime. I checked it the final time, at three months, and the Ice Wand was working great. At the end of the test, I called The manufacturer and placed an order for 36 Ice Wand's, a year supply for each of my nine Subway stores.

Not only can I say I offer a higher quality beverage service to my customers, I do not have the headache of manually cleaning nine ice machines. With the Ice Wand installed, I have more time to focus on my business and customers. I would recommend the Ice Wand to anybody who is concerned about saving money, time, and adding peace of mind to their beverage service.


Subway signature

David John
Destiny Foods, Inc.
dba: Subway